Getting Started with the Evergreen Planner: The Cover and The Annual
If you've spent anytime following us on Instagram or here on the blog, you know we spent YEARS hustling and dreaming about the day this planner system would get into YOUR hands. We get so excited with each new purchase, because we know the power of this planner system to help you craft an intentional lifestyle, day in and day out.
The Evergreen Planner doesn't just track everything you have to get done each day (though it does do a marvelous job of that). The Evergreen Planner was engineered as a daily companion that gets you focused to take action on those vital heart goals that keep throbbing at your core. And behind this gorgeous product is a movement of women who believe that goals like that are worth crafting a lifestyle to support.
But learning to plan is not just about having the right planning tools; a big part of being able to craft an intentional lifestyle is being able to make those tools work for you. This is what our new blog series is going to be all about.
This series will give you everything you need to set up this planner in a way that completely fits you—your lifestyle, your goals, your priorities. If you've purchased our system, you will have received a lot of this info over email. But the uses of this planner are truly endless. We are regularly discovering new ways we use it in our own lives, so even if you've seen this info, keep reading! You never know what new tricks you might pick up.
If you're brand new to our way of planning, remember that like any new system you implement, it may take some time to break in. Don’t sweat if it seems to take a little while to find your rhythm. We're all about self-compassionate planning around here. Make adjustments and keep tweaking what you're doing - because at the end of the day, that's all that matters: you having a planner that works for your goals and dreams.
Setting up your new planner: The Cover
This traveler's journal is as useful as it is beautiful! It was designed to protect and bind your system into one cohesive unit, all while maintaining a timeless look that works for any style.
- Slip your Annual in the first elastic, and your Classic in the next {pro-tip: if your booklets feel loose, undo the knot of your spine elastic, tighten, and re-tie}.
- Loop pen clips through one circle elastic on the right side {McCauley holds 3-4 pens on hers!}, and loop your favorite washi tape in the other.
Fill those pockets with receipts, planning accessories, sticky pads, a ruler or polaroids... you know, #allthethings {Shelby has legit replaced her wallet with her Cover!}
Setting up your new planner: The Annual
This is the bird's eye-view of your year. Mark important dates you don’t want to forget {pro-tip: don’t mark every date you can think of - mark only the ones you will need to show up for, which will require planning or space to celebrate}
Use the three pages between each month in a way that suits your lifestyle. Check out our Pinterest board for spread inspiration!
We’ve left this space for you to:
- reverse engineer your goals
- track habits & rhythms
- create to-do lists & intention lists
- journal
- review progress
- brainstorm for the next month
- store photos and keepsakes
The Annual is an extremely versatile piece. It can be as beautiful or as simple as you need it to be!
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