Case Study: Nurse + Mom Lindsay had ONE Goal
October 10, 2024

Case Study: Nurse + Mom Lindsay had ONE Goal

When Lindsay, a mama of two and nurse practitioner, sat down to begin implementing the Evergreen Planning Method in her life, she had a specific heart-deep goal in mind.

Between her family, her work, and her church, she knew that she had a lot of roles and responsibilities to manage. She didn't want her days to become blurred with hurry and distraction due to scattered attentions.

"I believe Christ is so present in every magnificent and mundane part of our lives, but it's too easy to check out of that reality when my attention is scattered... I feel so acutely aware of how quickly time passes and I long to create rhythms that connect me to the bigger 'why' of life."


So Lindsay challenged herself to use her day planner five days in a row...

Day 1 - She decided to start filling out her day planner the night before as part of her next day prep.

Day 2 - She set the intention of getting to bed on time as her self-care goal and used the flex space to keep her mind decluttered of random tasks. (Having a decluttered mind is such a key to staying present in what the Lord might be doing in any given day.)

Day 3 - She carved out a block to knock out administrative tasks for work between 1:30 and 3:30 pm, and jotted down a list of things to do when she sat down at her desk. However, when things unexpectedly shifted in her day, she simply pivoted, using an arrow to indicate that the work block needed to be moved until after the kids' bed time.

Day 4 - She began to feel the benefits of pulling out her day planner every evening to review the day and then plan the next. The practice helped her to shift out of "doing mode" by allowing her to slow down and declutter her mind before going to bed.

Day 5 - When an unexpected child-free hour opened up in her day, she was able to use her planner to quickly prioritize and batch several tasks. 

She left this note in the community at the end of day 5: "Signing off early to do a date night in! Had an unexpected child free hour this evening and used my planner to prioritize and batch several tasks. Feeling grateful for the clarityand momentum built so far this week!!"

A few weeks later, Lindsay posted this in the community...

"I've been using up the last of my printed planner pages and eagerly awaiting cracking up my first classic planner! Sunday was finally my day!"

Her brain had settled right into its pages—recognizing it as a home for every task, thought, and plan she had.

It would keep her attentions focused on what mattered most—allowing her to more consistently stay in the Word, nurture her two young children, and serve her patients with Christ-like excellence—even on busy days. 

How did Lindsay learn how to maximize her day planner right out of the gate?

Lindsay committed herself to learning the Evergreen Planning Method in six weeks by joining our Renew Challenge.

She made space in her life for the important work of getting mentally organized and mastering Christian time-management.

Her summation of the experience?

When I reached out to Lindsay several weeks later to ask her if I could include her story for a case study, she said —

"Absolutely. I'm still singing praises for EPM from the rooftops in my neck of the woods and glad to do so virtually as well."

You can begin getting the same results as Lindsay right now.👇🏽

Just clear half an hour to sit down with a cup of coffee in a distraction-free environment and follow this free tutorial step-by-step. 🌿☕

There is enough time for everything God is calling you to do—you just have to uncover it, organize it, and protect it.

Once you learn the ropes, the Evergreen Planning Method will help you do so in just fifteen minutes a day.